Spot 60m3 Batching Plant Helps Customers Launch Projects Quickly
One customer contacted us to ask about a concrete batching plant 1 month ago. They planed to buy a concrete batching plant with a capacity …
One customer contacted us to ask about a concrete batching plant 1 month ago. They planed to buy a concrete batching plant with a capacity …
We are glad to share a new case here, and it is about Aimix 25m3 concrete batching plant participating in the infrastructure projects in Australia. …
Today, our after-sale service team has just fulfilled the installation, testing, and training services for the AJ-35 small concrete mixing plant in Indonesia. Please go …
This is a successful case of Aimix Group about our AJ-180 rmc ready mix plant installed in Kuching, Malaysia. As the model shows, it can …
One set of AJ-90 rmc ready mix plant was successfully shipped and installed in the city of Indonesia, Jambi. This set of plants can produce …
Concrete batching plant is a convenient equipment for construction projects, and different concrete plants have different functions. And this article will compare the difference between …
Small concrete plant mainly consists of materials conveyer belt, main mixer, batching plant and other part. And main mixer always adopts compulsory horizontal shaft concrete …